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Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim

Assalam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatu

Salah a word derived from silat meaning ‘connection’ is a major form of worship that a Muslim offers five times a day regularly (connecting to our Lord). It is an obligation upon each and every sane Muslim that has reached the age of puberty since it is a command from Allah. No fundamental element of Islam has been stressed as much as prayer and it is one of the topics that the Qur’an emphasizes on, it has been mentioned in over 700 verses. And is one of the major of many forms of worship that we stay in connection with Allah. And He says in Surah Ad-Dhariyat (Q51:56), “And I have created the jinn and mankind except that they should worshipping Me.” Thus prayer first and foremost, is the response to this Divine directive to worship our Creator. Also it’s highly cherished by Muslims.
It consists of recitations from the Qur’an (in Arabic) along with specified body positions (standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting), this is standing before our Lord. But before praying, a Muslim must be in a state of tahara (purity) in mind, body and soul, the clothing and the place of prayer as well. In Surah An-Nisaa (Q4:43) Allah says, “O you who believe! Do not approach prayers with a mind befogged, until you can understand all that you say, - nor in a state of ceremonial impurity (except when travelling on the road), until after washing your whole body. If you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you have been in contact with women, and find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For God blots out sins and forgives again and again.” Ghusl and wudhu as described before should be performed in case of any filth (hadith asghar or hadith akbar) removal. After, we face the Qiblah ( the Ka’ba in Makkah) and Allah says in the Holy Qur’an (Q2:149), “From whencesoever you start forth, turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Masjid; that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And God is not unmindful of what you do.” and women positions themselves behind men. In a narration of Abu Huraira: I heard the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say, “If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day, would you notice any dirt on him?” They said, ‘Not a trace of dirt would be left.” The Prophet added, “This is the example of the five daily (compulsory) prayers which Allah blots out (annuls) evil deeds.” (Bukhari).
The five daily prayers offered from pre-dawn morning to the night prayer that precedes sleep are Fajr (starts from the beginning of the pre-dawn so long as the sun has not yet started to rise), Dhuhr (from when the sun has passed its zenith and a man’s shadow is equal in length to his height), Asr (from when dhuhr ends to when the sun turns yellow), Maghrib (end of asr to the time the twilight has faded) and Isha (as magharib ends till midnight) and each prayer only takes at least 5 to 10 minutes, though there are some Sunnah prayers as well as Sunnah that the Prophet stressed on. Muslims can pray alone or in congregation and in Surah Al-Baqara (Q2:43) Allah says, “…and bow down in rukuu with those who bow down in rukuu.” The commentators are generally of the view that prayer has to be offered jointly, that is what the word ma’a (with) means. If a command mentions a particular manner or situation then the one who was been commanded to do it has to do in the manner mentioned. The fuqaha have raised a number of opinions and the most sound of which is that prayer in congregation in the masjid is obligatory for healthy men. It is not permissible for a man who is able to attend the congregational prayer in the masjid to pray in his house even if he prays in congregation with his family, his prayer is invalid. In a hadeeth of ibn Umm Makhtum who was a blind man. He said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I do not have a guide to lead me to the masjid,” and he asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to grant him a concession allowing him to pray in his house, and he allowed him to pray in his house, and he turned away he called him back and asked, “Can you hear the call to prayer?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “Then answer it.” (Muslim). And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever hears the call to prayer and does not come, there is no prayer for him (i.e. it’s not valid), unless he has an excuse.” Ibn Abbaas said, “What excuse?” He said, “Fear or sickness.” What is meant here is that a believer is required to pray in the masjid, and it is not permissible for him to take the matter lightly and pray in his house when the mosque is nearby. This applies if the Muslim is accountable, male and able to do it and can hear the adhaan without the aid of a loudspeaker should attend the congregation prayer. It’s a unique excellence and shows that the fardh prayer is meant to be offer collectively under the conditions mentioned. The minimum amount for the daily prayers is two people whether it is in the house or elsewhere. “Two or more form a congregation (jamaa’)” (Bukhari).
As for women, prayer in congregation is not obligatory as a woman’s prayer in her house on her own is better than her praying in congregation in the masjid. Abu Dawood narrated that ibn Umar (RA) said, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not prevent your women from going to the masjid, although their houses are better for them.” It is not obligatory for women to offer any of the five obligatory prayers in congregation and their houses is better than praying in the masjids whether that is obligatory or naafil (Sunnah) prayers or as an individual or congregation. But if she wants to pray in the masjid, she should not be prevented from doing so, on condition that she observes proper Islamic etiquette when going out and when praying, by going out fully covered, not wearing perfume, and praying behind the men. Muslims are to pray in any clean environment, in a masjid, at home, at work or on the road, indoors or out. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The earth has been made for me a place of worship and a means of purification (tayammum).”
With faces turned to the Qibla, Muslims align themselves in parallel rows, which have to be straight and balanced and no second row should be made if the first is not fully filled and then behind an Imam who leads the prayers. Salah not only gives us an opportunity to worship and remember Allah but also thank Him, supplicate to Him and ask forgiveness and guidance from Him since it is a direct connection with Allah; a bond between the individual and Allah.
Having specific times each day to be close to Allah helps us remain aware of the importance of our faith, and the role it plays in every part of our lives. The various postures capture a sense and spirit of submission, humility and homage to Allah. It reminds us of the Day of Judgment when we will stand before Allah as an Ummah or alone. This is how we start our day by cleansing ourselves either by ghusl or wudhu then standing in front of Allah. What day could go wrong by sincerely remembering your Creator first? The Prophet said: “The first thing about which a person will be questioned on the Day of Judgment is prayer. If it is found to be sound all his other actions will be sound as well. If his prayer is not sound all his remaining actions would be spoiled.” And also said, “Prayer in its proper time is the best of deeds.” The one whose prayer does not prevent him from iniquity and vice, gains nothing from Allah except remoteness. Therefore while offering prayers, one should be in a state of purity in mind, body and soul, to concentrate that he or she is in front of Allah and at most respect and sincerity should be maintained. The prayer should not be rushed either but take your time in talking to Allah when He calls five times a day. What being on earth can call five times a day? Always be prepared to answer a call that will only be good for you.
But how did Salah begin? After our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was commissioned with prophet hood, it was related that Jibreel came to the Prophet then showed him how to perform ablution (wudhu) which is the prerequisite of Salah and then showed him how to offer Salah to Allah. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went home, he showed his wife Khadija (RA) what he was taught. After that, the Messenger of Allah began to pray two cycle (twice a day), once in the morning and once in the evening. From that forward, the Prophet never went a day without praying and when he was taken for the miraculous journey Isra, Allah commanded the Prophet and his followers to observe fifty prayers a day. On returning from the Divine’s presence, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) met Prophet Musa (AS) who said, “Seek a reduction for your people can carry it.” The Prophet did so and he was granted. After many dialogues the command was reduced to observe five prayers, which will be equivalent to the original command to observe fifty.
It was reported that the last words of the Prophet of Allah were: “Prayer! Prayer! And fear Allah regarding those who you are in charge of. Allah says in Surah (107:4-5), “Woe to the worshippers who are unmindful of their prayer.” Saab bin Waqaas said: “I asked Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) about the meaning of ‘unmindful’ and he replied: “It is delaying it (the prayer) up to the end of its prescribed time.” While Allah calls such people, they are lazy and perform the prayer very late. He has promised them “Wayl” which signifies a great punishment. Some say “Wayl is a valley in Hell, exceedingly hot and it is the place for those who delay or miss the prayer, excepting the ones who repent and correct their habits.”
In another hadeeth reported by Abdullah ibn Masu’d: I asked, “O Messenger of Allah, which deed is best?” The Prophet answered, “Prayers in its proper time.” I asked, “What is next?” He said, “Righteousness with your two parents.” I said, “What is next?” He said, “Struggling in the cause of Allah.” I became silent and if I had asked more, he would have told me. This is for the true and sincere prayer that completes its purpose and objectives, both inward and outward, not simply going through the motions without presence of heart. In order for the prayer to be fulfilled we must first allow it to purify our hearts, to keep us away from sin, and enrich our lives in the remembrance of Allah.
As important as Salah is, in a hadeeth by Muslim, Jabir ibn Abdullah says: I heard the prophet saying this: “The difference between a man (Muslim) and shirk and kufr is the abandoning of Salah.” And in another, Allah’s Messenger said: “The difference between us and them (kuffar or non-muslims) is that of Salah so whoever abandons Salah certainly commits kufr.” And that’s how clear the hadeeth is.
As for this article, it’s quite clear that Salah is important so much it is the second pillar of Islam, its importance in praying together, delaying it because of work or just laziness and abandoning it. May Allah make us among whom He accepts our Salah and Duas.
And Allah knows best.


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