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Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim

Assalam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatu

At one point in our lives we will experience some type of loss. Whether it is the loss of a family member, a loved one, a job money and so on.

Generally at a time of a loss we reflection about our lives. For some they get hit hard with a reality check, for others, it’s a self realization and reminder. We all get tested in different ways and with loss come many reminders for us.

What are we doing with our time?
Are we worshipping Allah as He deserves? Are we rushing our prayers? Are we giving zakah continuously? Do we have a connection with the Qur’an? Are we waking up in the night to pray for the things we want? Is our spirituality balance in our life? One of my respected teachers once said that if were to be put in jail, what would we do with our time? Think about it seriously.

Many individuals I asked this same question have said they would most definitely spend most if not all their time:

1.Making Du’a
2.Praying on time and doing sunnahs
3.Praying Tahajjud
4.And memorize Qur’an

Why does one have to be put in a situation like this to achieve the above? How can we achieve this without having to be put in jail? May Allah protect us all.

Death is a reality, but we don’t often pay attention to the fact that it may come to us at any time. We put off certain spiritual goals in our life because we feel we have the time to do it later. What if today was your last day? Better yet, what if your knew tomorrow was your last day? How would you spend the remainder of your time? 

Allah says: “Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you should be within towers of lofty construction.”
[An-Nisaa: 78]

We are here in this life only for a short time. Let us take advantage of our time  now before we our time is up. 

 May Allah make it easy for all of us to worship Him and do for Him as He commanded.


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