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Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim 

Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu 

I haven't done this in a while, actually a very long while. And for that I had to come back with a wow! So there is this monster thingi in that anyone would find real pleasure in demolishing. It's like  drinking a cake, having a smoothie and a cool shake at the same time it's just super amazing. And now to welcome her highness FREAK SHAKE, the monster milkshake. She is a she yes, for all reasons known 😝

Created by the Canberra-based café Pâtissez last year, the extreme milkshake is a trend. Freakshakes can (of course) be found in America, but have also started popping up in London-based eateries, such as Molly Bakes, Dalston and Maxwell’s, Covent Garden. This is great news for anyone who has ever wanted to eat seven desserts at the same time. Africa? Still waiting...

The basic idea is to make a milkshake, and then top it with as many foodstuffs as gravity will permit. Milkshake connoisseurs around the world you can rejoice because these hella insane creations continue to pop up. And this is just one choice to go from the comfort of your home. 


Brownies or cake of choice 
210g dark chocolate
brownie or dark chocolate cake
1 packet of chocolate flavour biscuits 
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 tablespoons cocoa
100g white chocolate chips


250g Nutella 
100ml cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon icing sugar
150g vanilla ice-cream
200g ice


The brownies or cake and the chips will be used in the shake so don't eat them. Cut the cake (brownie) into even pieces. This depends on the glass that you are using to make the shake – it must be big enough to cover the width of the glass.

Place 50g of Nutella into a small bowl and add a teaspoon of hot water to loosen (should be the consistency of thicken cream) set aside.

Using the electric beater (or whisk) beat the cream, vanilla and icing sugar until becomes whipped cream.

In the blender add the 200g Nutella, ice-cream, ice, some cake crunches plus the biscuits and milk and blend on high until well combined (will look like an icy thick shake).

Using a spoon rim each glass with the 50g of loosened Nutella, pour the shake into the glass.

Place a straw and spoon in the glass. Place a portion of brownie (cake) on top of the glass. Add a heaped spoon of whipped cream on top of the brownie (cake). Drizzle the remaining Nutella (no need for chocolate syrup) over the brownie and allow running down the side of the glass. Dust the glass with cocoa then icing sugar and drop the white chocolate chips.

Take a selfie first with Miss.Royalty and it's all for the demolishing. If you have to treat yourself on a weekend or not good with apologize, this might work as a peace offering. Enough typing...Come to mama!! 

TIP: You can throw in some Oreo's and nuts in your blend or as a topping, you can't go wrong with Oreo's. It doesn't have to be chocolate, you can have a banana shake with banana ingredients, or some strawberry. You can try one with marshmallows, cotton candy, M&M's or with Skittles. It's all about working your imagination now. 

The picture is from an eatery somewhere on this lovely planet. 

Colourful, sweet, mesmerizing.

Amazing art which has to go straight to tummy city 

Love it, they just had to take a photoshoot.

How do you even start eating or drinking that? 

Recipe courtesy of Johnny Pump,Esseden, Melbourne. Photos courtesy of Molly Bake's,  Black Tap, The Muddy, Wally's and I can't remember the others. Ooops!! 😅


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