Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim

Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu

I was on YouTube watching some Islamic videos and Alhamdhulillah they are quite a number and very inspiring and helpful, you know in getting back on track on our Islamic faith but also you have to be careful on what you watch. Technology and people (evil people) can just have an intention to confuse our faith. May Allah guide us on the straight path and grant us the understanding of our Deen. Ameen.

As I was saying, I watched a video on YouTube and it was so overwhelming I just had to transcribe it and share it with you. Ok Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim.

We were created, Insan - human being (forgetful), they forget, and upon that we were given Shahawat - desires in the stomach, and upon that we were surrounded by Fatana - fitnah, temptations, to desires etc. And they (we) were put here and amongst all of that,  and on top of all that, they came here to remember Allah.

In the early days when Allah was first creating everything, He said to the angels...bring me the earth, and the angels said...why do you any to create this (in a negative way)...why do you want to make this thing Adam, his sons, his children...they will commit mischief,  they will have free will...and we...we worship you, we praise why do you create this thing, when we worship you? And Allah don't know, what I know. So then we are created,  and now (this gathering) and the angels have climbed all the way to the heavens where they are asked a question, the question now is from Allah, He asks them...remember these people, you said why do you make them. Why have they gathered...why have they come together...and the angels are so amazed by us. They say...Allah they're praising you (Glorified is Allah)...what if they...have they seen me? So they Allah, they don't see you...what if they saw me...they would praise even more than us...these people truly love you. What else do they say? They say...all praise of due to Allah...for what...dunya...they thank me dunya.

What is Dunya? The word itself. If this was creation, the bottom of the bottom, the very bottom of the bottom,  the word Dunya means lowly,  underneath, that is what is given to us, and we treasure it so much. So Allah says...whayt if I showed them what I actually made for them...the rest of creation...they would thank you so much more...what else do they say? They say (Allah is the Greatest)...they say, you are the Greatest, so they are amazed by you...Oh Allah...have they seen me...No...have they seen my powers...No...what if they were to see me...they worship you so much more.

Remember the angels first said, why do you create this, and now they are praising us. The angels they see us,  we were created with free will, do what you want. And they are limited. We cannot see Allah yet. And then on top of that we were created Insaan, which means that will forget. And then upon that they were given desires in the stomach, and then upon that they were surrounded by fitnah, temptations. And then they were put here and now amongst all of that they came here, to remember Allah. The angels say this is amazing. And so they say to Allah, before they said why do you make them, now they're saying Allah, give then the best reward. These people are amazing. And angels praise you by name, these people are amazing. And the angels praise you by name.

Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

[Merciful Servant]


  1. Sir pls tell me the authentic source of this story, where it is written. if i tell people this story they gonna ask me the sorce

  2. Sir pls tell me the authentic source of this story, where it is written. if i tell people this story they gonna ask me the source.
