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Bismillahi rahmani rahim

Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu 

By Shaykh Hassan Ali.

People will look for Shaytan, and they will find him. There he is! Iblis. Grab a hold of him! Let's tear him apart..its him! So they'll come to him and they will say, Iblis.. Mr. Big Man, the biggest of all Mr. Big Man, you're the one who led all of us.. all of us are in hell today because of you!

He's gonna say.. You know Iblis, he's crafty but you're going to see how crafty he is on the Day of Judgement. He's gonna say this, Allah gave you a promise and I gave you a promise, Allah gave you the promise of the Quran and I gave you the promise of whispering into your minds and hearts. Allah told you, you will get paradise for this, I told you don't worry about it.

Just do it.. Just do it. It's nice man.. it's nice. Enjoyable man.. Enjoy it bro! I said that to you! I gave you a whisper in your hearts and I promise you. Do not worry about it. You didn't listen to Allah but you listened to me!

Who you gonna blame? Who you gonna blame me for leading you to hell? It was you who led yourself! You had the choice to believe the Rahman or the Shaytan and you chose the Shaytan over the Rahman. So don't come to me today telling me what I should do for you. You cannot save me today and I cannot save you today. I cannot come to yourselves today, you can't come to my rescue today. We both here, we both here in hell.

" Basically what his motto is, now we're even Steven! "

Because Shaytan wants that! He wants us to go to Jahannam. We know that Shaytan, made a pledge with Allah or declared himself arrogantly.. that he is going to build up the hopes of human beings. As such that they will turn away from Allah. He would led them away from the worship of the one God. 

So what we know more generally is that Shaytan builds up hopes of human beings for a long life in this world. And ultimately that they will have good in this life regardless of whether they worship Allah or not. So he promises them immortality and immorality.

When the Final Judgement is made.. and Allah.. reveals His power and His control, that's when people will realise that Shaytan has beguiled them and Shaytan himself will now confess. I made a promise to you.. and that was a false promise. Allah made a promise to you.. and that was the true promise.

But Shaytan also defend himself against blame, because now people know this score and begin to blame Shaytan, you're the one who misled us. But Satan's response to that is, do not blame me, bit blame yourselves. The extent of my work was only that I gave you this promise and you obeyed, you followed, so don't blame me, blame yourselves.

And in the end even if you were to blame Shaytan, Satan says I'm not able to respond to your cries, not would you be able to respond to my cries. 

" And certainly for the wrong doers, this is a painful punishment. "


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