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Bismillahi rahmani rahim 

Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu

Transcribed Video of Wahaj Tarin.

When the hisab (reckoning) finishes, when the account of man ends, he goes to Jannah (heaven) or to Jahannam (hell), and we have become negligent of the fact that we will have to pay an account. We will have to stand in front of Allah, and give an account of the life that we have spent.

Allah rabbul izza says, the hisab of man has come clear, has come near, the hisab is on the precipice, and poor man is still heedless in the sleep, he's in ghafla (heedless), but hisab will come, and after hisab, it is either heaven or hell, and may Allah make me and you of the people of Jannah. Ameen.

I will start with Jahannam, but before I start, I must clarify certain ethic,  it's when the adhab of Allah rabbul izza is being mentioned, when the ashab used to hear about Jahannam they used to tear until their beards would become wet and the ground under their feet would start to become wet, and this is for two reasons;  one is that the verse has had a direct impact in their hearts, and second, they didn't want their Lord to see them as people being not affected by the punishment of Allah.

So today when we discuss the adhab, ensure that your Lord sees you as people afraid of the punishment, because the punishment of Allah is severe. May Allah save me and you from His Wrath and His punishment - Ameen. 

In a hadith narrated in the Saheeh by Numan ibn Bashir, he says that I heard the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying, the most lightest, gentlest, simplest punishment of Jahannum is that a man will be made to stand in two bits of coal, and these special coals will make his brains boil and that is the lowest level of punishment in Jahannum, that is and the hadith says that the strange thing is, he will think he is enduring the greatest punishment yet it is the easiest of (punishments in Jahannum), Subhan Allah.

May Allah protect us from His Wrath.


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