Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim

Assalam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatu

We are in the 21st century Alhmdhulillah made it this far but one of the major problems is moral degradation, our Akhlaq (chatacter) has dropped so badly Muslims don't uphold the good name of having manners we once had. But what is akhlaq you may ask. Its a term derived from "khuluq" meaning character, akhlaq would be the practice of the a person meaning having morality and manners.

We call ourselves Muslims so proudly but do we brothers and sisters in Islam strive to be what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught in terms of character? Aisha (RA) was once asked to describe the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and she replied that he was 'the Qur'an walking', meaning that his behavior was the Qur'an translated into action. She, Aisha did all what she could to do likewise. Thus she didn't only knew and embodied the Sunnah, but she also memorized the Qur'an by heart, understood it and lived it. Subhana Allah!! 

I can mention so many examples that can be our role models to illustrate the kind of akhlaq we should have. The likes of Umar ibn Khattab (RA) so much that whenever Shaytan found him taking a path, he only took another path other than what ibn Khattab took, Abu bakr (RA) As-siddiq, the truthful, it was would be great pleasure to be so truthful even the non-believers can name you the truthful, the trustworthy. What has happened to our Ummah? Why don't we have this beautiful names or even just as nicknames anymore? Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) she was known for her noble character, the Quraish called her 'the chaste', 'the pure'. Fatimah the daughter of our beloved prophet  (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) bore a remarkable resemblance to his father in terms of manners and gestures. But who are our role models? the men and women not in Islam, the people who live and enjoy the dunya as if their is no Allah. Dj Khalid, Wiz Khalifa, Beyoncé, even she's not much anymore we have the Kardashians and this is our Ummah, having our women and men imitating the non-believers. Loving Islam like the swahabas that fought for it, shed blood for it is by embracing it and understanding the words of Allah then understanding He loves us and what He does is whats best for us, trusting Him but that a topic for another day In Sha Allah is one way of loving you deen.

We should asks ourselves, if the prophet visited us for just a day, would he be pleased with his Ummah, with you and your character after he left us with the Holy Qur'an, his Sunnah and hadeeths? Umar ibn Khattab said," I fear the day when the disbelievers are proud of their falsehood, and the Muslims are shy of their faith." Isn't that day already here? We see it several of our Muslims everyday. Nonetheless, alhamdhulillah we still have Muslims who show what we are or rather what Islam is about. 

On my brother's travels he was buying some fruits in a market from an old lady and when he was paying the old lady didn't have enough loose change as she had just opened and others too didn't have loose change either. Surprisingly the lady told my brother if your home is not far from here just go get some coins and bring to me and go with the fruits as well. My brother was confused but the lady insisted so he went. The rest of the vendors were shocked, surprised by her actions though small told her he wasn't coming back and it could have been possible because they just met. After several minutes my brother went back gave her the same note and told her to keep the change but curiously asked the lady how she know he would be back. The old lady smiled and said "Because you are a Muslim and all the Muslims I've met are honest and trustworthy." Subhana Allah and ever since they've been good friends and lady said she wanted to know more about Islam. In Sha Allah we pray that she takes her Shahada soon before she leaves us. This is just an example of the kind of impact we make or can make in other people's lives and welcome the to the religion of the One true God. In a hadeeth it was mentioned that the best blessing a man has been given is good Akhlaq [Bukhari]

If we are focused on emulating the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we would witness such great changes in life and from the people around us. He prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said," I have only been sent to perfect good characteristics." It was also narrated by Al-Bukhari: Abu Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah was asked about that which will be admit most people to Paradise. He said, 'Fear of Allah and good attitude.' " If a person knows their shortcomings then they should rectify them but some people are unware of their faults therefore a brother should ask a sincere friend, an Imam, an Ustadh or Ustadha as well as following what the prophet of Allah taught and what was not clear then he should leave it. Akhlaq reflects how a person thinks and the way he is inside. We don't have an X-ray to view an inner beauty but if you have the beautiful eyes, nose, cheeks etc. what's its use if you lack character, attitude and etiquettes? Akhlaq is not only in our actions, or our actions towards other but our mind and words and speech, the kind of words we utter should not be foul.  This hadeeth clearly states "A good word is also a charitable deed." (Bukhari and Muslim) and Umar ibn Khattab (RA) said, "Generosity is an easy thing. It is a smiling face and kind words." Some wise man also said, " Do not be stingy with a word that does not arouse your Lord's Wrath yet it pleases your brother. It may happen that Allah gives you the reward of those who do good works."

Akhlaq can be summarized in Politeness, Truthfulness, Honesty, Kindness, Keeping promises, Being Generous, Being Modest and Forgiveness. In Surat Al-A'raf [Q7:199-200] "Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good and turn away from what is ignorant. If Satan tempts you seek refuge in Allah, He is All-Hearing, All-knowing."  In a hadeeth reported by Abu Hurairah, Allah's Messenger said, "Three are the signs of a hypocrite. When he speaks, he lies, when he makes a promise, he breaks it and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust." [Bukhari and Muslim]. Another narration add the words: "Even if he observes saum (fast), perform swalah and claims to be a Muslim." Having Akhlaq will not lead us to being hypocrites in any way. Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) ordered many times that we should follow the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The best way to connecting our life to that of the Messenger of Allah is to follow his example. In Surat Al-Imran [Q3:31-32] Allah says, " Say O Muhammad: 'If you ove Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful'. Say: 'Obey Allah and his Messenger', But if you turn back, surely Allah does not love the disbelievers."

In Sha Allah lets start today and build our identity by perfecting our akhlaq. The heaviest of good deeds on the scales on the Day of Judgement are Husn al-Khulq (Good manners). May Allah the Exalted strengthen and guide the Muslim Ummah.

And Allah knows best.


  1. MaashaAllah Nicely written - Sajjad Ahmed

  2. Barakallahu feekum for sharing your thoughts...may Allah (swt) reward you abundantly...ameen...thumma...ameen

  3. بارك الله
