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Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim
Assalam alaykum warahamatullah wabarakatu

At the end of the night, at the corner of my room...
After I prayed, I sat down, raised my hands, and started my du’a with all my heart. All my sins came to my mind suddenly. And I whispered to myself Astaghfirullah so many times, hoping He would listening and I’m sure He did, while my tears stream down on my cheeks. O Allah, Forgive me, for the times I put you aside, believing that Your warning has not yet any near from me, and You still let me breath and I repent for it. Forgive me, through my whole life from all the misdeeds, from all the ignorance of me from remembering You, from all my willing act of turning my heart away from You. Forgive me, from all my thoughts that life is unfair, from all sins I ever did and I pretended that You are not there watching me.
Alhamdhulillah, for the smallest thing until the biggest nee’ma, which are ne’ma of Iman and Islam. Alhamdhulillah for having placed this guilt in my heart and to sit here and ask for your forgiveness, O Allah! Guide me.  Alhamdhulillah for always be here while there is no one care or understand. Alhamdhulillah for not letting me astray so far despite all the wrong doings I’ve put myself through. Alhamdhulillah for watching after me, guiding my path, always light my way out, and loving me so dearly. Don’t let me off the right path. I want to be afraid of all Your warnings and Wrath, and I ask for Your Jannah indeed at the end.
The Fajr adhan was calling, the sound made my heart feel so comfort that I cannot tell. I witnessed (again), Allah calling me for prayer and success, yeah... Allah is Oft-forgiving, The Merciful.
May Allah forgive us all our sins done both in secret and openly.


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