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Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim

Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu 

This is another lecture that is transcribe from Mufti Ismail Menk for our benefit In Sha Allah. May Allah grant him and his family and all of us understanding of our Deen. Ameen. 

Justice for All: Who Will Be Bankrupt In Allah Subhanahu wa taala's Court? There is a Hadeeth where Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “On the day of Qiyamah, there will come a person who is bankrupt”- in fact, he asked a question: “Do you know who a bankrupt person is?” The Sahabah said: “Well, according to us, a person who doesn’t have Dirhams and Dinars, or gold or silver, is a bankrupt person.” In our terms, perhaps, it’s someone who doesn’t have dollars and pounds. It is a fact that someone who doesn’t have material things is a bankrupt person. Rasool Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “No, it is a person who comes on the Day of Judgement with a lot of Salah, with a lot of Zakah, and with a lot of acts of worship.”

You know, if I heard that, I would think I am hearing wrong. The bankrupt person on the Day of Judgement is someone with a lot of prayers, a lot of worship, and lots of acts of charity! A lot! How can that person be bankrupt? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) continued: “And then when they are standing in front of Allah Subhanahu wa taala with all these deeds, they have backbitten this one, gossiped about that one, slandered this one, eaten the wealth of the other, deceived another, and harmed another and so on. So Allah takes away these good deeds one by one as a payment because on that day, the currency will be deeds.”

The payback is in the form of your good deeds. Such as salah in the first row - gone, zakah - gone, hajj - gone, fasting - gone, all the good deeds - gone. What happens thereafter? There are still so many people waiting for their rights. The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There will come a time when that man has nothing remaining and the people in front still want their right. Allah will say: Take their sins and put them on his shoulder.” So the sins are put on the shoulder of the individual who violated somebody’s rights. He was the one who used to read Salah in the first row; he was the charitable one; he was the pious one according to the whole world; but because he usurped the rights of the fellow human beings and disregarded them completely, he is going to pay for that. When he went, he went with a lot and as he is progressing on that day (in fact, there is no progress, he is going back) because he has lost everything and on top of that, he has got sins committed by other people. May Allah Subhanahu wa taala) forgive us. Ameen.

So, this is the clear Hadeeth that explains the importance of fulfilling the rights of fellow human beings. We need to make sure that we are humble; and remember, it doesn’t mean that you fulfill the rights of those who are pious alone. No! It doesn’t mean you fulfill the rights of the Muslims alone. Whether they are sinful, whether they are non-Muslims, no matter who they are and what they have done, they have rights! So much so, it doesn’t stop at human beings! In fact, it continues to all the creatures of Allah, including the ecosystem. Subhan’Allah!

May Allah Subhanahu wa taala have mercy on us and may He open the doors on us. Ameen. I hope the explanation would help in understanding the importance of fulfilling the rights of fellow human beings; and how actually, these are the fruits that are seen clearly on the person who is really close to Allah Subhanahu wa taala.

And Allah knows best.


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